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                                                              DISCOVERY LEARNIN


                   The relevance of discovery learning to ICT mediated instruction. 


Discovery learning is the active and participatory element of ICT that takes learning to a new level and instills in the mind of the researcher or learner a depth of information. By becoming involved in the acquisition of new knowledge this is where the problem solving, integration of ideas and stimulated thinking comes into play. 


 Online research and the readings to explore the above concept.



The link and details about the lesson, on what will be taught. 


Grade: Five


Subject: Science


Topic: Motion  Forces  Energy and Electricity 


Objectives: - students will work in groups to build catapults out of everyday objects and

          demonstrate their understanding of motion and forces by using the catapults to

           launch objects.


                          The lesson plan can be found at Lesson Plan library at :



Summary of the lesson


I will begin the lesson by having a discussion about motion and energy with the students so that they have a chance to share their previous knowledge and then let them view a video on Motion, Forces, Energy, and Electric Current.

 Next I will divide the students in groups to create catapults out of everyday objects after explaining to them fully about it and  let them further use the computer to view an animated illustration of a catapult which can be found at ,to assist with further development of their own ideas.The students in their various groups, will display and demonstrate how well their invention works and share why they think their design worked best. After reporting, the students, using Microsoft Word, will write a paragraph explaining what they did/ learn using given guideline questions and finally students will share their paragraph and I will bring the lesson to a close by clearing up difficulties/misunderstandings and reviewing the main points of the lesson.



     Teaching strategy and learning assessment.


The direct instruction, social learning and indirect strategies will be used in the different stages of the lesson to involve students in a well rounded learning/discovery process for the lesson.


Students will be assessed on their participation in class discussions, their cooperativeness in their teams in creating a catapult and  a written paragraph that answered questions to bring out main points of the lesson.

 3Discuss ONE area or concept where your learners have the opportunity to problem solve, construct new models of thinking, and discover new connections.


By having a chance to design and build a catapult students will be able to make connections in  using what they know, what they have observe in the video, and what they have learnt by putting together their ideas to solve their problems during the construction stage in developing their own models and in turn discover for themselves what works and what adjustments they need to make.





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